!Today is day 5 of our call-in campaign for Eric King. We are going to switch it up and focus on Missouri Senators today (and BOP). As you know, Eric is from Missouri and that is where his case originated so we are going to bring our concerns to the two Missouri Senators.

Remember, Eric is currently in Grady County Jail in Oklahoma City and en route to USP Lee, which is a maximum security prison. Eric should not be going here for two reasons:
1- a management variable was placed on him at FCI Englewood and has not been removed yet. This should be done ASAP.
2- Threats were made against Eric at USP Atlanta from white supremacists who told him he would be killed at USP Lee if he walked the yard.
We are asking the Senators to inquire to the BOP why Eric is being sent to this maximum security prison when his point total is much lower and he only has 18 months left on his sentence. Also, the BOP has already documented the threat against Eric. What point is there sending him to USP Lee when it is well known he would be placed in a dangerous situation? Staying in a miserable segregation unit for the remainder of his time with no access to phone, visits, emails, books and access to his loved ones and legal teams is NOT an alternative.
Background, info for BOP contacts and more is at https://supportericking.org/…/03/help-protect-erics-life/
Missouri Contacts:
Senator Roy Blunt
Phone: (202) 224-5721
Twitter: @RoyBlunt
Senator Josh Hawley
Office: 202-224-6154
Fax: 202-228-0526
Fax: 816-472-6812
Fax: 417-869-4411
Fax: 314-436-8534
Twitter: @HawleyMO or @SenHawley
Sample letter (please use as a basis but change the language)
Dear Senator,
I am writing regarding a friend of mine who is a prisoner in the Federal Bureau of Prisons that is from Missouri. His name is Eric King, Register Number 27090-045. He was most recently on writ in the U.S. District of Colorado for a trial, of which he was found not guilty on all counts. Eric was moved from FCI Englewood and is in transit right now. As of today, he is being held in a private facility- Grady County Jail in Oklahoma. He has been told he is en route to a maximum security prison in Virginia: USP Lee.
The reason I am writing is because I believe Eric should not be sent to USP Lee. There is an active threat against his life. Before Eric was sent to Colorado, he was held in the Segregation Unit at USP Lee for roughly 13 days. Prior to that, he was at USP Atlanta transit unit and a white supremacist/skinhead gang member told him he would be killed at USP Lee if he was released into general population. This had been documented at USP Lee and it is imperative that he not be put in harm’s way. I am asking that you not send him into a situation that is so dangerous.
The Bureau of Prisons knows this and there is established case law regarding the BOP sending someone into dangerous and life threatening scenarios. ), See, Fitzharris v. Wolf, 702 F.2d 836, 839 (9th Cir. 1983); Gullatte v. Potts, 654 F.2d 1007, 1012-13 (5th Cir. 1981); Roba v. U.S., 604 F.2d 215, 218-19 (2d Cir. 1979).
Additionally, Eric has a maximum management variable that is on his security profile that has him erroneously being sent to a custody beyond his actual security level. He has no pending charges, incident reports and a release date of 12.27.2023. He intends to live with his wife and his two children upon release. I ask that this management variable be removed so that he can be sent to a medium or low custody prison close to home and he can work on release preparations. I fear great harm will come to my friend and I am asking that you intervene and ask the Bureau of Prisons not to send Eric King into harm’s way at USP Lee.
His lawyer’s name is Lauren Regan and can be reached at 541-687-9180 or [email protected].
Thank you for your time.