Read this long and hard-hitting piece at
Monthly Archives: June 2020
A Political Prisoner’s perspective on COVD-19
Eric King wrote this regarding the Bureau of Prisons’ COVD-19 response.
March 29 2020
“They aren’t doing testing here, they aren’t doing shit really. No hand sanitizer, no mask, no ‘social distancing’, the tiers and showers aren’t being cleaned even semi-daily, we still only get 3 showers a week and only 1 hr outside a day, typically super early in the gloom or rain. Medical staff told me they can’t even order tests! They have to refer it to a doctor, who then refers it to Regional, who then reviews it and decides whether to test or not. Bureaucracy at its finest. They will let us die in the name of justice, blame it on the virus and move right along enslaving, business as usual.
Things here have been boiling a bit and almost went off today. There have been guards going out of their way to make things difficult, lying through their teeth, talking so reckless, small things that build and build. So today during our cell rotations (every 21 days we rotate cells) we just decided to slow burn them and not participate. It’s not much of a stand, but it gave us a chance to say “no” to these pig bastards and blow off a little steam.
We ended up moving cells, they will move you one way or another, but it felt good to air our grievances and make the day cops look like clowns who can’t handle the basic task of cell rotating. Here soon it could have been something much worse, so letting the small aggro out now was a good stress relief.”
More information about Eric:
Its a good time to write political prisoners
If you have not seen it yet, we have a comprehensive list of political prisoners at It is always a good time to write political prisoners but especially now, when COVD-19 continues to ravage United States prisons.
Be sure to also check out the NYCABC Illustrated Guide to Political Prisoners which is updated monthly and has great bios and more about US held political prisoners.
New zine on Black Liberation political prisoners
The Page One collective has a new zine of currently imprisoned veterans of Black Liberation movements. Print and hand out at protests! Send it to your mom. Spread the word. Write these folx, bring up their names, keep their struggles alive.
(*Print double sided along short edge*)

June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and long-term Anarchist Prisoners

Today is the 16th iteration of this event and we wanted to include part of the call below.
” June 11th: International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. In the 16 years this tradition has been observed, June 11th has facilitated support and action inspired by imprisoned anarchists — from noise demonstrations outside of jails to letter-writing nights, from fundraisers to arson. Setting aside this day is one way of remembering anarchists who are serving long prison sentences, generating support for them, and inspiring solidarity actions. “
Jeremy Hammond on The Final Straw radio

“In this June 11th podcast special, we’re happy to feature two interviews. The first is with Letha, a supporter of anarchist prisoner Marius Mason who is 7 years from release for animal and earth liberation front actions in the late 1990’s. Marius, who tested positive for covid-19 recently at FCI Danbury, continues his activism including on behalf of other trans folks behind bars as well as to write and create.
Then I spoke with Jeremy Hammond who is an anarchist prisoner supported by June11th for hactivist activities in the early 2010’s as a member of Anonymous and other crews that released information to WikiLeaks to expose corporate and police spying and abuse and war crimes, as well as supporting whistleblowers in the Global War on Terror like Chelsea Manning. Jeremy also recently resisted a Federal Grand Jury around WikiLeaks with Chelsea Manning, he contracted covid-19 recently, and currently produces a podcast with his brother, Jason, called Twin Trouble which is in the Channel Zero Network.
Political Prisoner Release Funds
There have been a number of political prisoners released from prison the last two years and some have release funds. Please donate if you can!
Chuck Africa
Delbert Africa
Connor Stevens
Nina Droz Franco
Eddie Africa
Janet and Janine Africa
Debbie and Mike Africa
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ABCF Warchest Report for June 2020
June 2020 “Prison Break” column
Our friends at Certain Days curates a column for It’s Going Down every month callled “Prison Break”. Check out the June one here.