Eric was tested for COVID-19 yesterday at Grady County Jail and is likely being moved this morning. We believe he will be sent to USP Lee- a maximum security prison where he spent 2 weeks in the segregation unit before being sent to Colorado for his case two years ago. On the way to USP Lee last time, Eric was threatened by white supremacists and told to not go in general population. His life is in danger due to this move.

We are asking you today to contact staff at USP Lee and the Bureau of Prisons and urge them to:
1- Transfer Eric out of USP Lee immediately by dropping his maximum management variable.
2- Not force Eric to choose between the SHU (23-24 hours a day in cell, no books, no phone, no email, no visits) and walking the yard with an active death threat against him. 3- Assess his situation immediately. The threat against his life is already documented. There is no need to prolong this process. Eric has 18 months left and needs to prepare for release, not fight for his life against white supremacists.
Be sure to call/fax/email the staff at USP Lee as well as Regional BOP, DSCC & National BOP.
Templates and all people to contact
Unicorn Riots new piece on the call-in campaign (includes new video)
Phone: 276-546-0150
Fax: 276-546-9115
Warden: [email protected]
Assistant Warden [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Mid-Atlantic BOP Regional Office
[email protected]
[email protected]
Phone: 301-317-3100
Fax: 301-317-3119
DSCC Office
GRA-DSC/[email protected]
Phone: 972-352-4400
Fax: 972-352-4395
BOP National Office
[email protected]
Phone: 202-307-3198
Twitter: @officialfbop
[email protected]
Senators and Reps
Tim Kaine
Twitter: @TimKaine
231 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
PHONE: (202) 224-4024
Mark. R Warner
Twitter: @MarkWarner
703 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-2023