Running Down the Walls 2017: September 17th

ABCF’s Annual Running Down The Walls 5K Run

Every year Political Prisoners look forward to the day that we all collectively Run Down The Walls together. These events link us forever in struggle, together in solidarity we all set out on our paths with the same intentions. We jog for justice, we walk for peace, and we run for our comrade’s freedom.  This event (while only metaphorically liberating) is insurmountably important to those behind the walls, they need to know that we are here and we not only stand with them but we will run with them.

We have already set the date for this year’s run, it will take place on Sunday September 17th 2017. After the snow and rains subside, and once the sun has warmed up the summer, then we will run. We have time to limber up and start walking and jogging more, we will prepare for the annual Running Down the Walls 5K Run/Walk/Jog/Bike and it is coming back to Los Angeles this September.

Be a runner:

We are asking people or groups who are running to collect as many sponsor for the run as possible. Remember the money received is going to help imprisoned comrades who need your help. The person who collects the most amount of funds will be given a prize for their involvement and dedication to helping our fallen comrades.

Sponsor a runner:

This can be done through a flat donation to the runner of your choice, each flyer is a sponsor sheet. We ask from those who wish not to run to actively support those who are running in hopes of collecting as much for our comrades as possible.

There have already been three committed runs for September 17th 2017, Los Angeles, Denver and New York. Get involved in the planning of Running Down the Walls, if you are interested in attending or hosting a run in your town, you have time to get it organized, please contact us at:, or [email protected] and let us know that you are planning a RDTW and we will help out in any way we can.

Every year we run in solidarity, prisoners and supporters of political prisoners organize solidarity runs with Running Down the Walls. In Sync with each other, we will collectively pound the pavement with our feet and bike tires as we exhibit our strength and stamina as examples of our tireless effort to free our imprisoned comrades.  In past years we had runs in: Albuquerque (NM), Arcata (CA), Ashland, (OR), Bellefonte (PA), Boston (MA), Buffalo (NY), Chico (CA), Connecticut River, Dannemora (NY), Denver, (CO), Detroit (MI), Elmore (AL), Guelph (CAN), Inez (KY), Lake Worth (FL), Marion (IL), Mexico City (MEX), Middletown (CN), New York City (NY),  USP Navosta (TX), Pelican Bay (CA), Phoenix (AZ), Puget Sound (WA), Sandstone (MN), Tucson (AZ), Twin Cities (MN), USP Tucson (AZ), and Toronto (CAN), Turner Falls (MA).

Support the Struggle:

We must remember that many of those arrested in the past or present are not far from us. Many of them were and are community and labor activists, queer, and environmental activists; people who decided to speak out against various forms of oppression and paid the price of their freedom for their actions. We must remember that anyone of these people could have at one time stood beside us in a demonstration, at a speak-out, or even at an organizing meeting. At any given moment it could be us who finds ourselves in this situation, so it is imperative that we ensure that a strong enough community of support exists for these people as well as ourselves. The strength of our movement is determined by how much we support our fallen comrades. As Anarchist and former POW Ojore Lutalo says, “Any Movement that does not support its political internees, is a sham movement.” So please help us, help them! Help us help you!

Registration fees:$15, preregistration $12 (Make checks or money orders out to Tim Fasnacht)

Or paypal:

Log in to your PayPal account and send your donation online to the email address “[email protected]” (Tim Fasnacht). Make sure to add in the notes section that your donation is for RDTW 2017.  If you’d prefer to stay anonymous or are donating in the name of an organization, please let us know.