Get your hands on the Certain Days calendar today! Your favorite intercontinental, inside/outside collective has produced our SECOND calendar during the COVID-19 pandemic and despite major obstacles, we think you will love it.

This year’s theme is “Creating a New World in the Shell of the Old” and features art and writings by Alanna Kibbe, Comrade Z, David Gilbert, Daniel McGowan, Eric King, Hanif Bey, Jesus Barraza, Leila Abdelrazaq, Martha Hennessy, Montclair Mutual Aid, Oso Blanco, Peter Railand, Roger Peet, Shukri Abu-Baker, Tauno Biltsted, Wendy Elisheva Somerson, Windigo Army, Virginia Lee, Xinachtli and Yumigou.
Here is how to get them:
U.S. Orders
Burning Books
AK Press
Canadian Orders
(1-9 copies)
Kersplebedeb/Left Wing Books
U.K. Orders
10+ copies (Bulk Discount)
Order for prisoners
Stores that carry the calendar