Political prisoner Eric King has been hit with a major restriction from the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) this week. He cannot receive mail or correspond with anyone other than his wife and mother for at least 6 months. This is fairly unprecedented and comes at a horrible time, as Eric is fighting his criminal charges in federal court and can use all the support he can get.
Not only is this cruel but its over the top as Eric is already on severe communications restrictions (no phone, no visits) and is in segregation for 23 hours a day minimally (going on two years). He really needs our help right now and while he cannot receive letters from the general public, it seems he can still receive books and magazines.
Please send softcover books and magazines only. (we suggest 3 at a time). If the content is questionable, it is better not to send it. FCI Englewood is heavily censoring Erics incoming literature. Books can be sent from the publisher, Amazon or a website similar to Amazon.
Eric King #27090-045
FCI Engelwood
9595 W. Quincy Avenue
Littleton, CO 80123
We also ask that you donate to his legal defense fund so we can mount a strong defense to Eric’s charge of assault on a government official (which carries a max of 20 years). You can donate at https://fundrazr.com/e1cKo1 Every donation helps and please share if you can with friends and on social media. Background on his case is at https://truthout.org/articles/incarcerated-anti-fascists-report-targeted-beatings-by-guards/
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