Category Archives: Uncategorized

Philly Running Down the Walls – September 17th

Sunday, September 17
11am sharp (Yoga warm-up at 10am)
FDR Park (or remote)
Register online by September 3

Philadelphia Anarchist Black Cross and MXGM Philly invite you to our sixth annual Running Down The Walls (RDTW)! Join us for another revolutionary 5K run/walk/roll and day of solidarity amplifying the voices of our comrades behind bars, lifting them up in their struggles, and maintaining material support. We will ship official shirts nationwide to people who register to participate remotely, pay online and leave their shipping address in the comment box! If you’re joining us in person and would like to participate in light yoga and warm-up stretches before, please arrive by 10am and bring a mat if you can.

Running is not required! You can also walk, roll, or cheer. 5K is two loops around the park and at a walking pace will take about 45-60 minutes. Light refreshments and socializing will take place in the park afterward.

This year’s event will benefit the ABCF Warchest and Weelaunee forest defenders facing repression from the ongoing efforts to #StopCopCity. Join us as we once again raise energy and funds for the freedom of political prisoners and the struggles they are caged for.

Cop City Will Never Be Built!

Vive vive Tortuguita!

#StopCopCity #DefendWeelaunee #JusticeForTort

If you cannot make it to the event or would like to make an additional contribution, please sponsor a participant either outside prison, inside prison, or one of each. Contact us for more information on sponsoring!

Proceeds will be split between the ABCF Warchest Program and legal aid to support arrestees from the movement to Stop Cop City. This program sends monthly stipends to political prisoners and prisoners of war who have insufficient, little, or no financial support. Since inception, the program has gathered almost $235,000, and this year’s event is sure to bump that over $250,000! Due to the abominable conditions that political prisoners and freedom fighters are subjected to, and the prevalence of health issues from medical neglect, they need our support now more than ever. Join us as we celebrate our successes this last year and build momentum for the struggles ahead! We will both celebrate Dr. Mutulu Shakur’s release from prison since our last event and recommit ourselves to the struggles he dedicated his life to <3.

Save the Date: Pushing Down the Walls 2023

Save the date and start warming up!

Pushing Down the Walls 2023 is coming Saturday, October 21st to The Bad Dogg Compound.

Join The Anarchist Black Cross Federation, “Orange County” chapter for burpees, live music and DJs, food, vendors, and a day of solidarity with our incarcerated comrades! All proceeds go to supporting political prisoners, prisoners of war, and local abolitionist causes.

Music and Vendors TBA. Stay on the look-out!

Stop Cop City event March 26th

Corporate developers, city government, and police have been colluding to destroy 300 acres of the Welaunee Forest in so-called Atlanta, Georgia. Efforts to defend the forest have been met with state violence, resulting in ongoing raids and the murder of a defender.

Comrades are calling for solidarity actions! Join the Anarchist Black Cross Federation, “Orange County” chapter, for an afternoon of discussion about and solidarity with our imprisoned comrades.

Where: Midnight Books, 7201 Greenleaf Avenue Suite D, Whittier, CA
When: March 26 @ 3PM

Back issues of Certain Days calendars available!

via Certain Days
Our friends have the right idea- use back copies of the Certain Days calendar to decorate their office! You can do the same.!

We have the following years for $5 each.

2022       2012
2021       2011
2020       2010
2019       2009
2018       2008
2016       2007
2015       2004
2014       2003
2013      2002 

Message me with your order or email [email protected]

Call for action for Kamau Sadiki

Kamau Sadiki is facing a medical crisis due to medical neglect at Augusta State Medical Prison. He has not received his Blood Pressure Medication, Amlodipine in four days! He is at high risk for a heart attack and stroke without this medication. His family and loved ones are extremely concerned for his well being.

We are asking folks to call Augusta State Medical Prison Administrative Office TODAY, to put pressure on the prison to provide Kamau with his necessary blood pressure medication and inform his family of his health needs!

“Freddie Hilton” #0001150688
Call Augusta State Medical Prison Administrative Office at:
(706) 855-4700

Newly released! Political Prisoner Oso Blanco’s latest book: The Blue Agave Revolution!

The Blue Agave Revolution: Poetry of The Blind Rebel is a collaboration among radical author, indigenous freedom-fighter, and political prisoner Oso Blanco (aka Byron Shane Chubbuck, aka Robin The Hood) and Michael Novick–a Brooklyn-born veteran of SDS/Prairie Fire Organizing Committee, the John Brown Anti-Klan Committee, publisher of Turning The Tide journal, and all-around tireless anti-fascist activist–along with numerous contributors who have supported, and continue to support, Oso Blanco over the years spanning his imprisonment.

A joint work of poetry and speculative/magical realist fiction, The Blue Agave Revolution: Poetry of the Blind Rebel is also profusely illustrated with historical and contemporary photos and artwork by Oso Blanco and others. Its 300 pages contain tales of the historical Mexican Revolution of 1910-20, reports and analysis of the contemporary struggle for Indigenous sovereignty, freedom, and a better world, and imaginings of what future struggles may look like.

Imprisoned by the US government for expropriating funds from banks in support of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), Oso Blanco continues to use his art to fulfill his mission. At Oso Blanco’s request, all funds from sale of the book will help fund The Children’s Art Project in support of the children in Chiapas.

Copies may also be purchased through our friends at Burning Books.
Price: $23.99

 **Copies will be available for purchase directly through the official support website soon! For now, to purchase a copy or to inquire about bulk orders, feel free to email his support crew at [email protected].

Call for Art & Essay Submissions for 2024 Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoner Calendar

Art by former political prisoner Jeremy Hammond

The Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar collective is releasing its 23rd calendar in 2024. With twelve pieces of beautiful art and twelve essays, these radical calendars have a history of hanging in thousands of homes, workplaces, prison cells, and community spaces around the globe—both educating and reminding us of those behind bars in the struggle for a better world.

Having your work featured in the Certain Days calendar is a prestigious honor and a unique opportunity to use your words and your creative abilities to create a vision of an abolitionist future free of prisons, power structures, and authority. We especially seek to raise the voices of people who are or were incarcerated, so please forward this call for submissions to any prison-based artists and writers in your circles.

With the proceeds from these beautiful, educational calendars you are able to directly support organizations working to aid political prisoners and abolish the prison industrial complex.

Beneficiaries from the 2022 calendar include Release Aging People in Prison – RAPP, Mutulu Shakur legal support, The Sundiata Acoli Freedom Campaign release fund, Puget Sound Prisoner Support, Coalition to Decarcerate IL, Appalachians Against Pipelines, Community Resource Initiative, Burning Books expansion, P4W Memorial Collective, Cascadia Forest Defenders, and the Atlanta Solidarity Fund.

Submit your abolition-themed art or writing now and help raise funds for those struggling on the front lines of social change. See guidelines below for further information.

Submission Deadline: May Day, Sunday, May 1, 2023


• 400-500 words max. If you submit a longer piece, we will have to edit for length.• Poetry is also welcome but needs to be significantly shorter than 400 words to accommodate layout.• Please include a suggested title.• The calendar is 11” tall by 8.5” wide, so art with a ‘portrait’ orientation is preferred. Art does not need to fit those dimensions exactly.• We are interested in a diversity of media.• The calendar is printed in color and we prefer color images.

Due to space limitations, submissions may be lightly edited for clarity and concision, with no change to the original intent.

Submit Your Art or Writing Today
• Send submissions by May Day, May 1, 2023, to [email protected] or mail to: Certain Days, c/o Burning Books, 420 Connecticut Street, Buffalo, NY 14213.
• ARTISTS: You can send a low-res file as a submission, but if your piece is chosen, we will need a high-res version of it for print (600 dpi).
• You may send as many submissions as you like. Chosen artists and authors will receive a complimentary copy of the calendar. Because the calendar is a fundraiser, we cannot offer money to contributors.

About the Calendar

The Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar is a joint fundraising and educational project between outside organizers across North America and political prisoner Xinachtli (s/n Alvaro Luna Hernandez) in Texas. The calendar has been in production since 2001 and features twelve pieces of art and twelve essays. We were happy to welcome founding members Herman Bell and Robert Seth Hayes (Rest in Power) home from prison in 2018, and founding member David Gilbert home from prison in 2021. We work from an anti-imperialist, anti-racist, anti-capitalist, feminist, queer- and trans-liberationist position.

The 2024 call for submissions is available as a PDF here. Please share with friends, both in and out of prison.

Fundraiser film event with Dr. Mutulu Shakur 

FRI, FEB 3, 2023 / in-person and online / 6pm ET

On December 16, 2022, Dr. Mutulu Shakur was released from being imprisoned for over 36 years. Dr. Shakur has dedicated his life to the struggle of ‘Black’ liberation since the age of 16 years old. He is a 72 year old grandfather, father, respected healer, and movement elder and is in need of our support to continue to live the rest of his life in dignity.

Join us at the Historic King Solomon Church located at 6100 14th St, Detroit, MI 48208 on Friday, February 3, 6-9pm — the same church where Malcolm X delivered two of his most remembered speeches, “Message to the Grassroots” and “Ballot or the Bullet” — where We will be screening the film “Dope is Death”, and be privileged to talk with Dr. Mutulu Shakur via Zoom following the screening.


“DOPE IS DEATH” is a 2020 film dedicated to Dr. Mutulu Shakur. It tells a fascinating and inspirational true story, full of drama and commitment to human well-being. And it is being screened to raise funds to support this elder who has sacrificed much in the service of freedom and healing others.

Dr. Shakur was at the forefront of healing amerika’s first opioid epidemic in the 1970s, as heroin swept thru ‘black’ and poor communities. When Black Panthers and Young Lords in New York took over a Bronx hospital towards getting better healthcare for the community, Dr. Shakur brought leadership to this new dignified, revolutionary healthcare system, in particular, developing methods of using acupressure and acupuncture to detoxify and treat people addicted to drugs. Dr. Shakur had learned of the innovative practice of acupuncture to address a variety of human ailments and jumped in head first to learn the art and bring this holistic practice to successfully treat heroin addiction, trauma, and other ailments.

The detoxifying success of acupuncture, in contrast to the government’s choice of methadone (another addictive narcotic only slightly weaker than heroin), led to the establishment of the Lincoln Detox Center. Dr. Shakur traveled to Canada to advance his knowledge of acupuncture, and was certified in 1976. The success of the Lincoln Detox Center led him around the world to help spread this revolutionary approach to the scourge of drugs.

Film tickets are only $15. We also have new MUTULU IS HOME t-shirts for sale as part of the fundraiser for $20. Get a film ticket and t-shirt together for only $25! !

Buy tickets on Eventbrite (below) or by calling–

Eastside: (313) 285-8450
Westside: (313)  244-9909 or (313) 284-6941
Downtown: (313) 819-2757


Statement from Anarchist Prisoner Dan Baker on State Execution of “Tortuguita”

I just learned today that my friend Manny was murdered by cops in the Atlanta Forest.

I send my love, sympathetic outrage and condolences to everyone who knew Manny and loves them. I send their parents all my love, outrage, admiration and respect for raising this person who became a hero who put into practice the values which make human life meaningful. We need to come together as a community to take care of Manny’s family from now on. In Rojava, the families of the martyrs are shown special reverence and provided for for the rest of their lives.

As a community we need to uphold this revolutionary practice of gratitude and respect, which even this corrupt and murderous government fails to show the fallen of its own in any meaningful way. I have spent time with the parents of martyrs and if Manny’s parents are willing I will spend time with them one day and try unsuccessfully to materially repay them for their contribution to the betterment of the world in the way they raised Manny. But we owe them a debt that can never be repaid, because the life of a single martyr like Manny is worth more than all the wealth in the world combined.

I won’t pretend that I knew Manny well but I will tell you what I do know. I know that Manny heard about me, my case and what the cops and feds did to me, and that Manny was moved to tears for my sake and came to my trial. This means a lot to me. We live in a world where less than 2% of the world’s water is drinkable and Manny shed precious tears for my sake. Now It’s my turn to do the same. While I’ve been in prison Manny sent me money, wrote to me and we spoke on the phone. These simple gestures mean the world to political prisoners and to me personally.

Manny completed higher education at Florida State University, which is more than I can claim to have accomplished.

They studied a field which explored compassionate treatment for traumatized peoples. This speaks to the high quality of Their character. I am told they were a very compassionate person who felt deeply moved enough to take altruistic action to defend people, plants and animals from fascist death squads. They put themselves between those killers and what remains of the living world and they lived and died defending that worthy cause. This is a hero’s death. This is what it means to give your life for a cause and for those who are precious to you. Manny is a martyr of this revolutionary struggle for liberation for all beings.

10,000 Manny’s will take their place, people will name their children after them, dedicate their activism to their memory and organizations bearing their name will liberate more beings than we can measure. I will personally make sure of this for the rest of my life. Please send me everything you can about Manny’s life and about this tragic murder, including their picture.

We must remember Manny. We must say their name, share their face, hang up their picture in homes all over the world, and spread their memory far and wide on every platform available.

In Rojava, when a friend is martyred by the enemy tens of thousands of people line the roads from the hospital morgue to the burial ground and chant their names, carry their pictures and celebrate the life and memories of the martyred friend with gratitude and determination to make sure their sacrifice is not forgotten, not in vain. They chant SHEHID NEMARIN – THE MARTYRS NEVER DIE. Manny lives on in our works, in our hearts and the fire in our eyes. The blood of the martyrs cries out from the soil of the Atlanta forest.

Remember Manny. Say their name.

Their name was Manny. 

Remember Manny!

Their name was Manny! 


SAY Their NAME! 


Daniel Baker #25765-509
FCI Memphis
P.O. Box 34550
Memphis, TN 38184