Mumia Abu Jamal Webinar: The Path To Freedom Webinar

Please start Black August off by joining the Abolitionist Law Center on Tues., August 6th [from 6:00-7:30 PM ET] for a webinar “Overcoming Death By Incarceration: The Path to Freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal.”  

Register at this Link.

This webinar will present important information on the path to freedom for one of our longest serving political prisoners. Topics to be discussed include legal strategies and updates in Mumia’s case, commutation, International Advocacy and compassionate release.

The panel includes: 

  • Saleem Holbrook, ALC Exec. Director; 
  • Bret Grote, ALC Legal Director; 
  • Ghani Kempis Songster, former Juvenile Lifer and organizer; 
  • Linn Washington, Jr., Journalist & Professor, and 
  • Dr. Jennifer Black, co-editor with Mumia Abu-Jamal of the recently released Beneath the Mountain: An Anti-Prison Reader (City Lights 2024). 

Plus a special message from Mumia Abu-Jamal.

New Political Prisoner Support flyers

Check out these flyers. Feel free to download, print and share!

LA ABCF flyers
Jesse Cannon
Kojo Bomani Sababu
Marius Mason
Jessica Reznicek
Bill Dunne
Ronald Reed
Joe Joe Bowen
Kamau Sadiki
Mohammad Burton
Virgin Island 3

NYC ABCF flyers
Alex Stokes
Bill Dunne
Jamil Al-Amin
Joe-Joe Bowen
Kamau Sadiki
Leonard Peltier
Marius Mason
Muhammad Burton
Mumia Abu-Jamal
Peppy and Krystal
Ronald Reed
Tall Can
Virgin Island 5 (Abdul Aziz, Hanif Shabazz Bey, Malik Smith)

Running Down the Walls 2024 – the 25th Anniversary!

This year marks 25 years in a row that prisoners and supporters have participated in the annual event known as Running Down the Walls (RDTW), often running or walking simultaneously in many cities and prisons at once.

RDTW is a non-competitive 5K run/jog/walk/roll to raise awareness and funds for political prisoners as the primary fundraiser for the ABCF Warchest Program with a portion of funds raised also supporting local groups of the organizers’ choosing– see event details below for specifics. Over the years, RDTW has raised *tens of thousands* of dollars and lots of awareness around the struggle to free political prisoners. Find a local event or participate remotely and ask your comrades, family and friends to sponsor you to make the positive impact of the 25th anniversary bigger than ever!

September 15th – 5pm
MCC Chicago – 71 W Van Buren

Eugene, OR
September 15th – 1pm
Owen Rose Garden (300 N Jefferson Street) near the river (follow signs)

Los Angeles
September 15th – Registration begins at 10am
Echo Park Lake – 751 Echo Park Avenue


Lowell, MA
September 15th – 11am
Boarding House Park – 40 French St.

Mexico City, Mexico
Saturday September 14 10:00 am
San Juan de Aragon Forest.

Access 8 (on Av.608, leaving Metro Bosque de Aragon)
Registration: $50 (to support Jorge Esquivel @YorchLibre )

New York
September 15th – 2pm
Prospect Park- Lincoln Rd/East Lake Drive, east of the Terrace Bridge 

Olympia, Washington
St’cas Running Down the Walls
Sunday, September 15.
Noon at Heritage Park
Participation fee: 1 hr wage – no one turned away for lack of funds
Shirts: sliding scale 10$-20$ (BYO shirt, they’re printed on site)
Pre-run group warm up stretching & post-run prisoner letter writing and vegan grilling.
Contact:[email protected]

Philadelphia (shirts shipped worldwide for remote participants)
September 15th – 11am sharp (Yoga warm-up at 10am)
FDR Park
Registration deadline is September 1st (use link above)

Portland, OR
September 15th – 11am
Tilkum Bridge (East Side)

Support for comrade Jesse Cannon (Tall Can)

Write Jesse:
Jesse Cannon #BX4822
Sierra Conservation Center
5150 O’Byrnes Ferry Road
Dorm 27, Upper Tier 7U
Jamestown, CA 95327

Download tri-fold flyer
Download half-page flyer

Jesse Cannon is a militant anti-fascist serving a five-year sentence for two separate cases. The first relates to the defense of his community against far-right and white supremacist groups. The second relates to Cannon’s alleged defense of his community from another credible outside threat to the safety of park attendees during an event at which elders and multiple families with children were present.  

Cannon is a hip-hop artist, writer, and photographer who goes by the name “Tall Can” or “T.C.” He is also a long-time community activist, anarchist, and park defender. In recent years he has been involved in the campaign to push back white supremacist’s encroachment into Barrio Logan, a predominantly Latino area of so-called San Diego, occupied Kumeyaay land, and to protect Chicano Park, a historical landmark that represents generations of political struggle for the Chicano movement. It also has the largest concentration of Chicano murals in the world. In recent years, it has been the target of the American Guard, Proud Boys, and another white supremacist group by the name of Border Town Patriots. They have gone to the park with the goal of antagonizing or attacking the local community, which has been able to mobilize in opposition to their presence. Patriot March    On January 9, 2021, three days after pro-Trump rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol building, the former president’s supporters in California organized a “patriot’s march” in the Pacific Beach area of San Diego. Groups organizing the march included the American Guard, Proud Boys, and another local right-wing racist group called Defend East County.    

Local community activists and anti-fascists groups organized a counter protest. For several hours the two sides clashed with one another. Police attempted to separate the opposing sides but focused their brutality on the anti-racist protesters. After nearly seven hours of protests and street brawls, the area was eventually cleared. Local government, media, and right-wing activists placed the blame for the incident on the “Antifa Movement.”    On December 6, 2021, after a grand jury hearing, the San Diego District Attorney Summer Stephan announced the indictment of eleven anti-fascist activists on 29 felony counts, relating to the incident in earlier in the year. The indictment stated that 15 to 20 members of Antifa from San Diego and Los Angeles organized and executed acts of violence against participants of the Patriot March rally. The Antifa activists allegedly used rocks, glass, mace, sticks and other weapons to assault at least 16 victims. The indictment stated that a criminal conspiracy began with individuals liking and sharing social media posts that called for a counter-protest against the pro-Trump rally. Others allegedly entered into a conspiracy by showing up to participate in the anti-racist protest and engaging in violent actions.    

Cannon was one of the indicted and was charged with felony conspiracy, felony assault by means likely to produce great bodily injury and two counts of assault with a deadly weapon. The indictment also pointed out that Cannon was out on bail for a prior case for his role in community activism.  Political Persecution    After the indictment was announced, community organizers vocalized their outrage over the one-sided prosecution. Even though both sides engaged in the clash on January 9, 2021, the District Attorney chose to only prosecute those who were labeled as members of “Antifa”. Numerous individuals, who were victims of unprovoked assaults perpetrated by members of the American Guard and Proud Boys, witnessed the District Attorney turn a blind toward these attacks. 

    The DA also failed to inform both the grand jury and the defense witnesses for the eleven defendants that many of those who were labeled as “victims” were members of the American Guard and were aggressors during the conflict. While the DA’s office went to great efforts to hunt down the alleged “victims of Antifa,” they avoided interviews with numerous victims of the right-wing extremists because that would undermine the DA’s agenda. 

   an Diego District Attorney Summer Stephan’s action should be of no surprise since she previously built her entire election campaign for her position on fearmongering against Antifa and George Soros. In 2018, Stephan used images of black bloc with Antifa flags with captions such as “San Diego Public Safety is Under Attack” as part of her campaign for election. Her campaign also accused her opponent of being supported by George Soros, the Jewish philanthropist who is often used by the far-right in their coded antisemitic rhetoric While Stephan had no problem villainizing Antifa or George Soros in order to further her campaign, it also seemed like she had no problems taking money from white supremacist or using her position to protect them from prosecution.     

One of those who donated to Stephan’s campaign was San Diego Republican Party leader and self-described local Republican “king-maker,” Tony Krvaric. Weeks before the January 2021 incident, Krvaric tweeted that police should be focused on “Antifa terrorists.” It should be no surprise that Krvaric disliked anti-fascists. In 2020, a video surfaced of a young Krvaric and friends giving white power salutes, drawing swastikas on their bodies, with a photo of Hitler bouncing across the screen.

One of Krvaric’s sons, who was a reservist, was investigated by the Marines because of an application to the Patriot Front, another neo-Nazi group. His other son worked for Trump’s Office of Personnel Management, participated in the January 6 insurrection, and had profiles on neo-Nazi websites where he praised Hitler, backed deportation of non-white people, and expressed disgust of the LGBTQ+ population.     

This is not Stephan’s only connection to the local white supremacist community. In May 2018, just weeks after the DA launched her conspiracy campaign website, she accepted a campaign contribution from Kristopher Wyrick, the President of the Southern California chapter of the American Guard. Six months prior to the contribution, when Summer Stephan was acting as the interim DA, Wyrick and several other members of the American Guard assaulted several victims in a vicious attack. Despite numerous videos of the attack, the DA chose not to file charges against the white supremacists.    This was not an isolated incident. In September 2020, members of the American Guard attacked racial justice protestors, including a man in a wheelchair. In July 2021, Wyrick and several other members of the American Guard attacked pro-Palestinian protesters during a rally, using weapons that included bear spray. Despite media reports documenting the incidents, the DA’s office yet again refused to prosecute.     In total, there are at least five documented incidents where Stephan’s office chose not to prosecute Wyrick and his American Guard for violent assaults. To add insult to injury, many of those individuals they chose not to prosecute, were the alleged victims in the January 9, 2021, incident and prosecution witnesses.   

In late 2023, Cannon was involved in another action in defense of his community against an outside threat that led to further charges, including alleged use of a deadly weapon, vandalism, brandishing a concealed firearm, and assault and battery. The mounting charges and potential sentencing enhancements led Cannon to make the decision to take a plea. In February of 2024, Jesse Cannon took a non-cooperating plea agreement where he received a two year sentence for the January 2021 case and three years for the additional charges from late 2023. In total, Cannon was sentenced to five years in state prison for defending his community against fascist and racist aggressors.  


Marius Mason is an activist serving a 22 year sentence after being found guilty of arson at a laboratory and on logging equipment.

Marius was approved for gender affirming care in 2022 when he was moved to FCI Danbury, a male prison. He was then transported to FMC Fort Worth where he was supposed to get gender affirming surgery, but he was informed that the health company contracted by the prison was unwilling to perform a hysterectomy. Marius’ doctor has informed him that there are indications of an early onset of cancer on his uterus, yet the facility is unable to provide the care he deserves. 

His support team has drafted a letter that they are asking to print and post to put pressure and show support. Please, read the words below, grab a stamp and print the letter.

Let’s show solidarity to Marius and fight for his health as fearsome as he has fought for our planet. 

“Please copy and paste in to your own document, print and send to:

Director Collette Peters
Federal Bureau of Prisons
320 First Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20534

Dear Director Peters:
Thank you for prioritizing the rehabilitative purpose and programming of the BOP in your role as Director. It was encouraging to see the Transgender Policy Manual posted again, after years of being unavailable on the FBOP site when you came into office. I appreciate the atmosphere of respect, acceptance and safety fostered at the highest level under your administration for all LGBTQIA+ people currently in the carceral system.

I am writing today to call attention to the situation of Marius Mason (née Marie Mason, #04672-061). Mason has been approved by the FBOP for gender-affirming surgery since 2022. He was transferred from FCI Danbury, a male facility, and after living there for two years, he was transported to FMC Fort Worth, where he was to undergo gender affirming surgery. This was the culmination of a 10-year process, beginning in 2013 when Mason asked to be considered for the new transgender medical policy, after a lawsuit created a pathway to medical transition.

However, Mason was informed at a meeting with Dr. Mercado (the Health Services Administrator), Mr. Strickland and Mason’s therapist, Dr. Bartholomew on 5/24/24 that despite having been approved for surgery, the health services contractor that was working for FMC Fort Worth was not willing to provide gender-affirming hysterectomy. It is our understanding that there are in fact local medical professionals who can perform this procedure, without which the other surgeries will be delayed.

Also at this same meeting, Mason was informed that test results from a prior ultrasound had revealed that there was indications of an early onset of cancer in his uterus, and a further test was being ordered to confirm this possible result. If indeed Marius requires a hysterectomy due to uterine cancer, we hope this will be carried out with all possible speed.

I am asking that you please investigate the apparent refusal of a contracted health care to provide care to a trans prisoner, and also to ensure that this denial and delay do not endanger Mason’s health and safety or delay the approved care long enough to prevent it being fulfilled. Thank you for continuing to be an ally to LGBTQIA+ prisoners in the Federal system.


Anarchist Prisoner Eric King Released To Halfway House After Ten Years

Following nearly ten years of incarceration and numerous attempts by the State to frame, murder, and break him – anarchist prisoner Eric King has now been released and is headed to a half-way house “for several weeks,” reports supporters.

Imprisoned for taking direct action in solidarity with the Ferguson uprising, Eric King survived everything from COVID, to attacks by neo-Nazi prisoners, and years of abuse from guardsIn a statement from 2016, King stated:

I stand by my actions. After seeing what happened in Ferguson, so close down the road, I was disgusted by the lack of mobilization in my city. Three hours away people were fighting for their lives and we weren’t even taking to the streets. We were doing nothing. My act as a very personal display of my anger and rage toward the state as well as an act of solidarity to everyone in Ferguson. We never know our own strength until we are tested and even with my ridiculous sentence I feel at least proud to have been able to stand strong and refuse to cooperate with the state.

In 2022, Eric King was victorious in court against a frame-up attempt by guards, after they attacked him in a supply closet and attempted to slap him with an additional 20 years in prison.

Currently there is a fundraiser set-up for Eric to help him with his post release. Eric is also one of the co-editors of the new book, Rattling the Cages: Oral Histories of North American Political Prisoners, published by AK Press, sales of which benefits the Anarchist Black Cross warchest program and Eric King’s family.

Eric’s bravery and courage in the face of years of torture and abuse is a testament of our collective ability to resist and weather the horrors of state repression. For future updates, be sure to check out the Support Eric King page, here.

Pushing Down the Walls 2023- October 21st

Saturday October 21st
Third Annual Burpee Marathon Fundraiser
Doors open – 1100am
Yoga warm up – 1130am
Burpee Marathon- 12 noon

The Bad Dogg, 5816 Hooper Avenue, Los Angeles CA 90011.
Food, speakers, music and vendors all day. Benefit show will start at 6pm

Proceeds will Benefit The ABCF Warchest, Abolition Now OC. (A donation will also be made to Middle East Children’s Alliance). You can donate at

For more info, email  [email protected]

Running Down the Walls in Newfoundland & Labrador

Our event is October 15th, 2pm-5pm, starting in front of Her Majesty’s Penitentiary  (89 Forest Rd) in the Corrections Wellness Garden (lol) with a social to follow at Benevolent Irish Society (30 Harvey Rd). Snacks and water provided. Funds to ABCF Warchest, East Coast Prison Justice Society, and the NL branch of Prison PenPal Project.

More info at