Resistance in Brooklyn (RnB) and NYC Anarchist Black Cross are excited to welcome you to our 2021 Annual Send Love Through the Walls Holiday Card-Writing Party to Political Prisoners and Prisoners of Conscience.
Sunday, December 19, 2021
4 – 6 pm Eastern Time on ZOOM
Register at

Featuring remarks and poetry from:
Jalil Muntaqim – Spirit of Mandela (Tribunal) Coalition coordinating committee; Black Panther political prisoner for 49 years, released in 2020.
dequi kioni-sadiki – Northeast Political Prisoner Coalition
Jihad Abdulmumit – National Jericho Movement Chair; Spirit of Mandela (Tribunal) Coalition coordinating committee; Black Panther political prisoner for 23 years
We’ll have information on card-writing, updates on our still-imprisoned comrades, addresses for the mailings, and time to chat and catch up virtually. Please plan to Bring Your Own Beverage, as we sit together and send love to those whose freedom we continue to fight for. Register for our time together here.