WHAT: Political Prisoner Letter-Writing
WHEN: 7pm, Tuesday, November 17th, 2020
COST: Free

NYC ABC and Page One Collective are back for our every-other-week Political Prisoner Letter Writing. As anarchists, it should come as no surprise that we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving– we’ll take your damned day off from work, but not in exchange for commemorating the historic and ongoing genocide of indigenous folks and the 250 million turkeys who are killed each year. While we might be eating the fruits of the fall harvest, don’t confuse that with an acceptance of the Thanksgiving myth.
This Tuesday’s event will focus on indigenous political prisoners Leonard Peltier and Rattler.
Leonard Peltier is an American Indian Movement (AIM) warrior. In the 1970s, the United States government continued its legacy of decimating indigenous communities, focusing on those organized and prepared to challenge its authority. Peltier is imprisoned for the 1975 shoot-out between the FBI and AIM in which two federal agents and an indigenous man were killed. Four years after his imprisonment, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request released documents which prove Leonard Peltier’s innocence and the FBI’s targeting him. And still, Peltier remains imprisoned. For more information and ways to help, visit whoisleonardpeltier.info
Rattler (Michael Markus) is Oglala Lakota from Pine Ridge, South Dakota, a water protector, and one of six folks who eventually came to be known as the Standing Rock 6. The Standing Rock 6 are arrestees enduring felony charges stemming from arrests on October 27, 2016 at ceremonial resistance camps at Standing Rock. These camps were convened in North Dakota by Native peoples and their allies who gathered there to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. Collectively, they are referred to as water protectors. These seven arrestees are out of the 800-some water protectors arrested, many the result of widespread police sweeps at demonstrations like October 22 with scant or no evidence to link most individuals to any crime. More information: freerattlernodapl.com
Please take the time to write a letter to Leonard and Rattler (and share a photo of your completed envelopes with us online):
Leonard Peltier #89637-132
USP Coleman I
Post Office Box 1033
Coleman, Florida 33521
Rattler* #06280-073
FCI Sandstone
Post Office Box 1000
Sandstone, Minnesota 55072
*Address envelope to Michael Markus