We have new shirts available in our new store! Featuring our spiffy logo, everyone’s lucky number and inspiring words from indigenous freedom fighter and imprisoned comrade, Oso Blanco. Order at abcfoc.bigcartel.com

All proceeds will benefit the ABCF Warchest Program. The Warchest is a fund maintained by the Anarchist Black Cross Federation which sends a monthly stipend to long term Political Prisoners/Prisoners of War. It also is available for post-release funds and emergencies. http://abcf.net/warchest-program/

Oso Blanco is a Wolf Clan Cherokee/Choctaw raised in New Mexico, his Cherokee name is Yona Unega and he became known by the authorities as “Robin the Hood” after the FBI learned that Yona Unega was robbing banks to support the Zapatistas in Chiapas on a regular basis in 1998/1999.