Join us as we unite the freedom campaigns, love, and culture for three of our elders and Political Prisoners: Dr. Mutulu Shakur, Imam Jamil Al-Amin, and Kamau Sadiki

On Saturday, June 11, at 6pm campaigns to free our elder Political Prisoners will come together in a unified Rally. Public support is needed to win the immediate release of our freedom fighters Dr. Mutulu Shakur age 71, Imam Jamil Al-Amin age 78, and Kamau Sadiki age 69 all of whom have life threatening illnesses due to medical neglect. The Freedom Weekend Rally will be held at Malcolm X Park 1111 Oak Street SW Atlanta, GA in front of the murals. Live performances and speakers will address Political Prisoners and prisoners rights issues. For more information
Freedom Weekend Rally YouTube Live Stream link:
Kalonji Changa, FTP, BPM, Riot Starter – Emcee
MXGM (Malcolm X Grassroots Movement)
IJAN (Imam Jamil Action Network)
-We will have speakers and performers such as
Talib Shakur
Ajoke Olanipekun
Mic Chambers
Mystic Maestro
SunD. Ata The Gr8!
Sire8000 & TPM
Yero Winborne of World Made