WHAT: Political Prisoner Letter-Writing
WHEN: 7pm sharp, Tuesday, October 20th, 2020
COST: Free

It is 2020 and there are still folks locked up due to the US government’s war on environmental activists and animal liberationists. A few of years ago NYC ABC and Sacramento Prisoner Support responded to the state’s repression with project FANG, a travel fund for earth and animal liberation prisoners and we have since provided funds to families and supporters to help ease the burden of visiting imprisoned loved ones.
With “Operation Backfire” defendant Joseph Dibee apprehended in Cuba and the continued imprisonment of Standing Rock water defenders, we are reminded of the backwards and arbitrary logic the State uses to deem who are “terrorists.” Corporate influence continues to drive policy, as recently seen in North Dakota where pipeline companies have pushed legislators to codify harsh punishment for actions such as “valve turning.” The truth is, those in power will always villainize those who seek to liberate and will always valorize those who seek to carry out real destruction.
In light of the coming holiday, we are asking you to send Halloween cards to targets of the Green Scare as part of our every-other-week political prisoner letter-writing events, this year with 100 percent fewer spooky snitches’ fingers cookies, but 100 percent more Page One Collective collaboration, as we collectively work to keep each other safe from COVID-19 by distancing and writing from home.
Since the early 1980s, public relations hacks have been working to reify the term “eco-terrorism.” By 2004, they became successful and a phrase that a decade earlier had no real meaning was now defined by the United States government and used to introduce legislation. In the face of global ecologic destruction and animal torture, those who try to end the suffering are the ones labeled terrorists. Join us in letting the ones who have ultimately been captured know that they have not been forgotten.
Please take the time to send cards to Marius and Rattler (and share a photo of your completed envelopes with us online):
Marie (Marius) Mason #04672-061
FCI Danbury
Route 37
Danbury, Connecticut 06811
*Address card to Marius.
Rattler* #06280-073
FCI Sandstone
Post Office Box 1000
Sandstone, Minnesota 55072
*Address envelope to Michael Markus.