Author Archives: abcfmatt

Spain: Supreme Court confirms CNT unionists’ prison sentences

The Suiza 6 face three and a half years each for protesting outside their workplace

Union branches across Spain have denounced the Supreme Court’s confirmation of prison sentences against six bakery workers for picketing. The workers were sentenced to three and a half years in prison and a fine of over 100,000 Euro. The workers at La Suiza bakery in Gijón took action to protest unpaid overtime and poor working conditions.

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July 25th: International Day Of Solidarity With Antifascist Prisoners

Annual call for solidarity with antifascist prisoners across the world on July 25th. For more information on J25 and its history, go here.

Across the world, fascist and far-Right movements are trying to advance their agendas of bigotry, ultra-nationalism and authoritarian control. The establishment–no matter who is in power–does not and cannot offer solutions for deepening economic inequality or any of the numerous crises we are living through. Instead, those in power continue to advance the militarization of police and the hardening of borders as the rich have become richer than they have ever been before. As the world burns and our lives become harder and harder, the fascist and far-right menace offers only lies and scapegoats–demonizing and attacking migrants, refugees, LGBTQ+ people, as well as racial, religious, and ethnic minorities.

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Let’s Get Francisco Out of Isolation: Campaign and Week of Agitation for Francisco Solar

The extreme isolation in which the gendarmerie keeps the anarchist comrade Francisco Solar, sentenced to 86 years in prison for acting against power, has awakened a series of solidarity actions that seek to inform about his situation and definitively remove him from this regime, which is added to the long sentence that is nothing more than a life sentence in disguise. In view of this, the group supporting Francisco is calling on people to join the campaign that seeks his way out of isolation, as well as to participate in a week of agitation without borders from August 10 to 17.

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Mapuche Political Prisoners Acquitted in Second Trial

During the afternoon of this Tuesday, July 23, the Los Ángeles Court acquitted the four weichafe of the CAM: Ernesto Llaitul, Nicolás Alcamán, Ricardo Reinao and Esteban Henríquez.

The youth faced a second trial after the annulment of the first one that sought to sentence them to more than 15 years in prison, however it was annulled for lack of concrete evidence that would incriminate them in the act of sabotage attributed to them. This after a long hunger strike carried out in the CP Biobío, Concepción, which always had the support of their mothers and relatives who set up a camp outside the prison.

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Solidarity for Anarchist Comrade Francisco Solar

Comrades in Uruguay reportedly engaged in an action in response to the isolation of anarchist Francisco Solar currently imprisoned in Chile. Solar was sentenced to 86 years in prison for three actions carried out against the state. Also convicted was Mónica Caballero, who received a 12-year sentence as an alleged accomplice. They were originally arrested in June 2020 and spent over three years in prison before receiving their conviction in December 2023. 

Both had been expelled from Spain to Chile in March 2017, after being convicted in what became known as the Pandora II case, in which the two, along wither several others, were accused of a series of actions in Zaragoza. Both received 12-year sentences, but their sentences were later reduced to 4 years, six months. The courts then decided to commute their sentence and deport them. 

In 2011, the two had previously faced prosecution, along with others, by the Chilean courts for a series of attacks. They were eventually acquitted in June 2012. The two later traveled to Spain where they faced continued persecution before being extradited back to Chile.

LA ABC does not currently have addresses for the comrades. 

Arrests and Extradition of German Anti-Fascists

In late June, the Berlin Court of Appeal ruled in favor of the extradition of anti-fascist activist Maja to Hungary. Maja has been incarcerated since his arrest on December 11, 2023, on charges of forming a criminal organization. His arrest was related to an investigation relating to a clash with neo-Nazis surrounding the “Day of Honor” in Budapest in 2023.

At the end of April this year, Maja was attacked by a fellow inmate after a walk in the yard. The reason for the assault was because of the attacker’s anti-queer attitude. He allegedly took issue with Maja being queer and takes showers in the nude. 

Further arrest in the Budapest trial

On May 6, another arrest was made after a house search in Nuremberg in the morning. The anti-fascist Hanna was arrested and has been in custody in Nuremberg prison ever since. The reason given for the pre-trial detention was the risk of absconding, solidarity for anti-fascists in hiding in these proceedings and the amount of the expected sentence. Like Maja, Hanna is also threatened with extradition to Hungary.

Public statment from anarchist grand jury resister Cyprus Hartford

My name is Cyprus Hartford. I’m a 20-year-old musician, trans woman, and anarchist. On June 5, 2024, I was stopped on the highway by federal agents and served a subpoena to testify before a Federal Grand Jury in Charleston, South Carolina on August 13, 2024. After consulting with friends, family, and attorneys, I’ve made the decision to challenge this subpoena, and if necessary, to refuse to give testimony before the grand jury. I will not allow the state to intimidate me. I will not put my community at risk by giving the state information that has nothing to do with harmful behavior, but discloses private information about our first amendment-protected beliefs, activities, and associations. 

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Indigenous Political Prisoner Leonard Peltier Denied Parole

Leonard Peltier was denied parole on Tuesday, meaning there’s likely only one other way the ailing, 79-year-old indigenous revolutionary will ever be released after serving nearly 50 years in prison: a commutation from the head of the US regime.

Peltier has been in prison since 1977 when the US state unjustly, and absurdly convicted him for killing two FBI agents in a 1975 shoot-out on Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.

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