This page contains information about the LA-ABCF including the local constitution, history, and articles/statements issued by the local organization. Statements are not the position of the ABCF as a whole, but rather the LA-ABCF Branch Group exclusively.
For those interested in joining our local group, please be advised that the LA ABCF is a drug-free organization.
International Tribunal on the Violation of Human Rights of PP/POWs in US Prisons and Jails(PDF)
History of LA-ABCF
LA-ABCF Constitution
ABCF Fliers on Political Prisoners
Thomas Warner Statement
ABC Solidarity Statement
LA-ABCF Statement on the Death of Richard Williams
Yelensky’s Fable: A History of the ABC
Alexander Berkman letter to Lillie Sarnov regarding the Anarchist Red Cross
Appeal to Help (issued in 1921)
Makhno’s Black Cross by the Kate Sharpley Library (KSL)
The Lettish Anarchist Red Cross and the Attempt to Kill Rockefeller
The Struggle for Equality: The History of the Anarchist Red Cross by Boris Yelensky(PDF)