Arrests and Extradition of German Anti-Fascists

In late June, the Berlin Court of Appeal ruled in favor of the extradition of anti-fascist activist Maja to Hungary. Maja has been incarcerated since his arrest on December 11, 2023, on charges of forming a criminal organization. His arrest was related to an investigation relating to a clash with neo-Nazis surrounding the “Day of Honor” in Budapest in 2023.

At the end of April this year, Maja was attacked by a fellow inmate after a walk in the yard. The reason for the assault was because of the attacker’s anti-queer attitude. He allegedly took issue with Maja being queer and takes showers in the nude. 

Further arrest in the Budapest trial

On May 6, another arrest was made after a house search in Nuremberg in the morning. The anti-fascist Hanna was arrested and has been in custody in Nuremberg prison ever since. The reason given for the pre-trial detention was the risk of absconding, solidarity for anti-fascists in hiding in these proceedings and the amount of the expected sentence. Like Maja, Hanna is also threatened with extradition to Hungary.

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