Casey Goonan was arrested for a series of actions in the Bay Area in solidarity for the in Palestine.
Casey’s arrest and incarceration have obviously caused immense distress and disruption to Casey’s life. They have entered the belly of the beast! Yet their dedication to abolition, commitment to study, perseverance, humor and spirit continue to shine through despite their conditions.
Casey’s state charges were dismissed and the case has been moved under federal jurisdiction.
One federal charge has been unsealed, a single count of arson, 18 U.S.C. 844(f)(1). If convicted, this charge alone could mean 5-20 years plus a quarter million dollar fine. We are anticipating that additional charges could follow.
Last week, Casey was moved to SF County Jail to appear in court on outstanding warrants. The transfer forced Casey to spend over 24 hours in a holding cell without access to insulin, to endure several hours long bus rides while shackled, harassment from correction officers, sleep deprivation, and inadequate access to food needed to regulate their blood sugar. These experiences were very disregulating and their mental and physical health have been fluctuating as a result.
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