Category Archives: Uncategorized

Call for Solidarity with Jorge “Yorch” Esquivel, Anarcho-Punk Political Prisoner in Mexico

Jorge has been in prison for more than a year without trial, and urgently needs funds to cover legal expenses and prison costs (food, water, phone calls, visits, administrative fees, utility costs, etc.).

Jorge “Yorch” Esquivel is a beloved fellow comrade of the punk community, and a long-time participant in Okupa Che. He was arrested on December 8, 2022 by plainclothes police officers as he left the campus of Ciudad Universitaria (UNAM) in Mexico City, as part of a criminalization campaign against the Okupa.

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Statement by Jeremy White

As I head into the courtroom, I am reminded of a few of my heroes who had their own tumultuous experiences with the justice system. People like John Brown, an abolitionist who was hung for initiating a raid on Harpers Ferry. He was initially called a madman and fanatic, though his actions are seen as a precursor to the Civil War and the end of slavery. His actions were, at the time, illegal. They were also completely moral.

Nelson Mandela was considered a terrorist by our government for his role in fighting the apartheid government of South Africa. He spent 27 years of a life sentence in prison and was offered freedom on multiple occasions on the condition he would renounce his beliefs, which he refused. He was later released and became the president of South Africa, ending apartheid and winning the Nobel Peace prize. His efforts were also illegal, and entirely morally justified.

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Marius Mason is an activist serving a 22 year sentence after being found guilty of arson at a laboratory and on logging equipment.

Marius was approved for gender affirming care in 2022 when he was moved to FCI Danbury, a male prison. He was then transported to FMC Fort Worth where he was supposed to get gender affirming surgery, but he was informed that the health company contracted by the prison was unwilling to perform a hysterectomy. Marius’ doctor has informed him that there are indications of an early onset of cancer on his uterus, yet the facility is unable to provide the care he deserves. 

His support team has drafted a letter that they are asking to print and post to put pressure and show support. Please, read the words below, grab a stamp and print the letter.

Let’s show solidarity to Marius and fight for his health as fearsome as he has fought for our planet. 

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Two Antifa Activists Found Guilty

A San Diego jury found two anti-fascists guilty of conspiracy to riot, in a case that became a bellwether for legal action against the political movement. 

The two defendants had faced various charges related to rioting and assault during a protest in a beach neighborhood in the aftermath of the tumultuous 2020 election. In that protest, on Jan. 9, 2021, members of the Proud Boys and other supporters of then-President Donald Trump had rallied and clashed with anti-fascists. 

But only the anti-fascists had faced charges. Prosecutors set out to convince a jury that the assailants were not simply individual participants, but that they had conspired under the banner of Antifa, essentially acting as a criminal gang. 

Brian Lightfoot and Jeremy White were both found guilty of conspiracy to riot at the protest. 

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Update on Casey Goonan

Casey Goonan was arrested for a series of actions in the Bay Area in solidarity for the in Palestine.

Casey’s arrest and incarceration have obviously caused immense distress and disruption to Casey’s life. They have entered the belly of the beast! Yet their dedication to abolition, commitment to study, perseverance, humor and spirit continue to shine through despite their conditions.


Casey’s state charges were dismissed and the case has been moved under federal jurisdiction.

One federal charge has been unsealed, a single count of arson, 18 U.S.C. 844(f)(1). If convicted, this charge alone could mean 5-20 years plus a quarter million dollar fine. We are anticipating that additional charges could follow. 

Last week, Casey was moved to SF County Jail to appear in court on outstanding warrants. The transfer forced Casey to spend over 24 hours in a holding cell without access to insulin, to endure several hours long bus rides while shackled, harassment from correction officers, sleep deprivation, and inadequate access to food needed to regulate their blood sugar.  These experiences were very disregulating and their mental and physical health have been fluctuating as a result.

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